Marketing: Make a plan, not a resolution

Alan Gayle is a sales and marketing consultant specialising in the construction industry. In this column he offers advice on how to make an impact in the market. This time he considers New Year resolutions.

Here we are half way through January already. Christmas feels like a distant memory and the New Year doesn’t seem quite so ‘new’ anymore. How was it for you? Still feeling rejuvenated and ready for anything? Did you make any New Year Resolutions?

Before I get into this month’s subject, I want to reflect on last month’s column and thank Aneela Rose for her insightful article on PR.

To re-cap the six key elements of Aneela’s PR advice: 1) Target the publications you want to appear in 2) Write a first class press release 3) Befriend influential journalists 4) Stay current and 5) It doesn’t have to end there.

You can re-read Aneela’s article on the Natural Stone Specialist website with all the other archived marketing articles. 

Now, back to New Year Resolutions.

According to life coach and world-renowned motivational speaker Tony Robbins, 95% of the people in the US who set themselves New Year Resolutions have broken them by the 10 January. 

The New Year is the perfect time to review where you are, establish where you want to be and decide how best to get there. But rather than set a resolution, your business would benefit far more from a revised and updated Marketing Plan or, if you haven’t got one, from getting one started.

Everyone knows the construction industry has been dramatically affected by the recession. There’s less work out there and prices are sometimes eye-wateringly low. 

That’s why, according to a PwC report published on 12 October, there were 6,179 construction insolvencies in just two years. 

Leaving aside the long promised Government investment in infrastructure, opinion is divided on when the construction industry will see any real growth. Yet through it all, some companies are thriving. Are they just lucky? I suppose it’s possible but it’s far more likely that the successful companies have a clear view of where they’re going and a clear plan of action to get them there.

A ship without a rudder will run aground and a goal without a plan is just a wish. 

So this year resolve to create a cohesive marketing plan for your business. It will give you focus, encourage teamwork and – best of all – it will force you to work out the best way to achieve your particular objectives rather than just following what everyone else is doing.

Remember, most people are setting New Year resolutions that last for two weeks before they are forgotten in the maelstrom of everyday life. Do you want your business to be in the 95% group? 

In this market it’s a risky strategy. Far better to set your sights on being among the 5% that thrives even in the worst economic conditions.

If you’re feeling inspired, you can download a free Marketing Plan Template from the Keystone Construction Marketing website: 

And to view the Tony Robbins New Year, New Life video and become inspired to make real decisions leading to lasting change, visit:

If you’re serious about growing your business in 2013 it is well worth investing 35minutes watching the video.

Alan Gayle has worked in sales and marketing roles in the construction industry since 1983. Following a successful career with some of the UK’s leading building product manufacturers, he has worked in the stone sector for the past 10 years. He now runs Keystone Construction Marketing, a marketing agency specialising in the construction industry. The agency works with building contractors, subcontractors and building product suppliers to help them increase their sales and improve their margins.