APS Masonry saved again

Symm Chief Executive Aidan Mortimer with the Duke of York in the masonry workshop during the APS 200th anniversary celebrations in the summer.

It looks as if APS Masonry in Osney Mead, Oxfordshire, will be saved again. Owner Symm had intended to close it in the New Year (read the report of the closure here).

But Symm Group now says: "Pending negotiations with a potential purchaser it is our intention that our stone division at Osney Mead will, under new ownership, trade as APS Masonry Ltd in the New Year."

A new company called APS Masonry was incorporated on 12 November. Its Directors are Paul Conlon and his brother Luke, who are also Directors of Cotswold Natural Stone Ltd in Shilton, Oxfordshire.

The deal has yet to be concluded but Symm says on its website: "We are all extremely proud of our stone heritage at Symm, having built many iconic buildings in Oxford and the surrounding countryside, and the lessons and skills of our stone past will live on within Symm as well as in the legacy we hope to pass on to the new owners in 2016, as current members of the team transfer into the new company, APS Masonry Ltd."

Symm had intended to close the stone side of its business in 2010 but was surprised at the reaction to the announcement by the trade and customers, including architects and clients, so kept it open. However, the circumstances that made it want to close the works then did not change substantially and this year, as it celebrated its 200th anniversary, it felt the works had to close.

Until the purchase of the name and factory are complete, there is a limit to what the sellers and purchasers can say, but it is understood the business will remain in its present location, with the premises rented to the new owners. Steve Byrne will remain as manager, although his telephone number will change.

He will continue to be contactable by email at [email protected] and until the end of the year his telephone number remains 01865 254600. After that it will change. The new number will be printed in the next edition of Natural Stone Specialist magazine after Christmas, presuming it is available by then.