Celebrating International Year of the Co-op

The United Nations has designated 2012 as International Year of Co-operatives and to commemorate the designation a monument has been unveiled at Midcounties Co-operative’s HQ in Warwick. The 1.2m x 600mm statue is based on the IYC logo and was crafted by mason Chris Wilkinson, who spent three weeks working on it at the Midcounties Co-operative Memorial Masonry centre in Walsall.

Chris, who has worked for the Co-op for more than a decade, said: “I’ve not worked on a project like this before so I feel very privileged. The hardest part was facing the unknown. The Portland stone is very unforgiving of mistakes so it was a little nerve-wracking at times. It’s a neutral tone so it will change colour as the seasons alter and the sun moves around it. I’m really proud of the end result and I’d love to do another project like this.”