PowerPerfector voltage power optimization at Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey is a UNESCO World Heritage Site because of its special cultural significance and was the UK's top paid for visitor attraction in 2009. It is also an operational church and as such is committed to the Church of England's challenging carbon reduction target of 80% by 2050, with an interim target of 42% by 2020.

The installation of two powerPerfector voltage power optimization units at the Abbey ensures that the supply is more efficient and secure. It will cut bills by more than 12%, saving approximately £8,400 a year, and cut carbon output by more than 50tonnes a year.

Jim Vincent, Westminster Abbey's Clerk of Works, said: "The units were installed in late 2011 and the savings we were guaranteed have been independently assessed and found to have been exceeded. The performance guarantee meant no risk on our part and I would recommend the system to anyone."

Angus Robertson, powerPerfector CEO, said: "We have a history of installing powerPerfector in some very high profile buildings and it's a great honour for us to have installed at the Abbey."

To read more about powerPerfector go to http://www.naturalstonespecialist.com/currentissue/unlockednewsarticle.php?id=5236